![[fw-vision-pub-logo.png|250]] #### We are a venture studio with a ***multipreneurial*** approach to actualizing a sustainable future. Our process is to apply [[Futures Thinking]] mechanics to explore plausible future scenarios centered around various concepts, then think through pathways of plausible futures to arrive as some [[Preferred Futures]]. We call this *Actualizing the Future*, see the list of our [[Futures Research Overview|researched and preferred futures]]. Currently, our efforts are mostly focused on *Sustainability*, *Health*, and *Education*. You can take a look at the list of (non-stealth) [[Projects and Ventures]], some notable call outs are: * [[Arcadia Wellness Retreats]] * [[Carbon Vault Design Studio]] * [[Integrated Farm-Scale Carbon Sequestration (IFS-CS)]] * [[Open Carbon Exchange (OCX)]] * [[Project Hyphae]] You would've noticed that pages on this site are [[Networked Thoughts]], this website is also the [[Thinking Vault]] of the founder, and can often times lead you to his personal notes on various subjects - you can find published articles under [[Blogs and Essays]] where the writing is more polished. *For more curated content* - check out [[Courses and Toolkits]] for a list of evolving digital products. It's where we try to truly understand our own thinking by explaining certain concepts to those that are seeking guidance. [[Communities]] will point you toward not only our discord servers to chat with the [[Team]], but also other groups and communities that are doing great things.